전체 글 80

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140331

adore - 아주 좋아하다. 사랑하다. 존경하다. ex) Kim adores her older sister. as long as - ~하는 한 (provied that, on condition that) ex)We are safe as long as we avoid touching the rails. degree - 정도 ex)I sympathise with her to some degree. unrequited - 일방적인 ex)unrequited love 짝사랑 victim - 희생자 ex)We are the victims of the one-sided affair(unrequited love). inexplicable - 설명할 수 없는 ex)His sudden death is quite inex..

1011/2014 2014.03.31

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140331

abandon - 버리다. 포기(단념)하다. ex)The bank robbers abandoned their car and ran away. abate - 줄어들다. 줄이다. ex)The pain abated. It would seem that his zeal has not abated. bullet-proof - 방탄의 ex)This glass is bullet-proof. ricochet - (총알, 돌 따위가) 튕겨 날아가다. ex)The bullet ricocheted off the wall and grazed my shoulder. aim - 목표, 조준/겨누다. ~할 작정이다. ex)She picked up the gun, took aim, and fired. He aims to go tomo..

1011/2014 2014.03.31

should have..could have

From English drama "Sherlock" S03X03 After Sherlock's lie to get into Magnussun's private room had been exposed to Janine.. she said "You shouldn’t have lied to me. I know what kind of man you are. (but you did) 거짓말은 하지 말았어야지. We could’ve been friends. (but we are not anymore.) 친구는 될 수 있었을텐데.. should have+past participle is used to talk about past event which did not happen, or which may or may ..