영국식 발음 3

Tongue Twister) Betty Botter's Better Batter

한국어에서 간장공장공장장은 어쩌구저쩌구 하면서 말장난하는 게 있듯이 영어에도 혓바닥이 꼬부라지도록 하는 tongue-twister라고 하는 것이 있답니다. 오늘은 B,T 발음 훈련을 위해 고안된 "Betty Botter's Better Batter"을 소개합니다. Betty Botter's Better Batter Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, It would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter, That would make my batter better." So she bought a bit of but..

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140331

abandon - 버리다. 포기(단념)하다. ex)The bank robbers abandoned their car and ran away. abate - 줄어들다. 줄이다. ex)The pain abated. It would seem that his zeal has not abated. bullet-proof - 방탄의 ex)This glass is bullet-proof. ricochet - (총알, 돌 따위가) 튕겨 날아가다. ex)The bullet ricocheted off the wall and grazed my shoulder. aim - 목표, 조준/겨누다. ~할 작정이다. ex)She picked up the gun, took aim, and fired. He aims to go tomo..

1011/2014 2014.03.31