1011/2014 27

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140430

star-crossed - 불행한, 이루어질 수 없는 ex)Romeo and Juliet are the clear example of star-crossed love. fued - 반목, 불화, 갈등 ex)No one knows how this fued between them started. prologue - 서막, 서언 ex)Unfortunately, there is a rather long, boring prologue which I'll read to you now. mutiny - 반항, 반란 ex)There were rumours of mutiny among the troops. ruin - 망치다. ex)Out you come to ruin my day! orchid - 난초 doomed -..

1011/2014 2014.04.30

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140428

succinctly - 간결하게 * ex)No other book can succinctly summarises the history of the West. magnanimous - 너그러운 ex)Is there anything that we need to do to benefit from such a magnanimous act of love? 우리가 이 너그러운 사랑의 행동으로부터 유익을 얻으려면 어떻게 해야 합니까? credence - (~을 사실이라고) 믿음 ex)I don't put much credence in what he has said. ample - 충분한 ex)We have ample reasons to believe that those promises will soon be real..

1011/2014 2014.04.28

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140423

10 words & 1 phrase a day will do your english good. stimulate - 자극하다, 고무시키다. ex)I was stimulated by his speech. encourage - 격려하다. ex)The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions. interest - 흥미 / 이자 ex)She's begun to show a great interest in politics. We pay 6% interest on our mortgage at the moment. zeal - 열심, 열정 ex)Her zeal to become a doctor has not abated at all. robust - 거친, 단단한 ex)..

1011/2014 2014.04.23

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140419

evaporate - 증발하다. ex)The heat of the sun caused the water in the reservoir to evaporate. 태양의 열기로 인해 저수지의 물이 증발했다. consistent - 일정한 ex)The weather was consistent. Everyday was the same. clumsy - 서툰 ex)I was a clumsy girl, always dropping things and bumping into things. grieve - 애도하다. ex)I grieved for a long time after my father passed away. outcome - 결과 ex)What do you think the likely outcome of ..

1011/2014 2014.04.19