1011/2017 3

10 words & 1 phrase a week 170123 (축구 용어 영어로)

header - 헤딩 ex) What a superb header that was! cross - 크로스 ex) Lovely cross from Walker. Absolutely fantastic cross. penalty - 페널티 ex) It is a push in the penalty area. It would have been the penalty. finish - 마무리 ex) What a great finish that is! He is a top class! lead - 앞서다 ex) Swansea lead again! What an unbelievable turn-around this game! deflection - 굴절 ex) He gets an unfortunate deflection..

1011/2017 2017.01.23

10 words & 1 phrase a week 170113

lynx - 스라소니 (시라소니/삵)ex) The lynx was hunted to extinction in Britain over 1,000 years ago. elusive - 잡기 어려운ex) Mice are quick and elusive. conservation - 보전ex) Rural residents are divided on the issue of wildlife conservation. ecosystem - 생태계ex) With an overpopulation of deer, the lynx will help re-balance the ecosystem. modern - 현대의/오늘날의ex) Lions are among the fiercest modern predators. AI - 인공..

1011/2017 2017.01.13