
10 words & 1 phrase a day 140430

WilliamShin 2014. 4. 30. 15:52
star-crossed - 불행한, 이루어질 수 없는
ex)Romeo and Juliet are the clear example of star-crossed love.
fued - 반목, 불화, 갈등
ex)No one knows how this fued between them started.
prologue - 서막, 서언
ex)Unfortunately, there is a rather long, boring prologue which I'll read to you now.
mutiny - 반항, 반란
ex)There were rumours of mutiny among the troops. 
ruin - 망치다.
ex)Out you come to ruin my day!
orchid - 난초
doomed - 불운한
ex)The plan was doomed from the start. - 그건 처음부터 실패할  계획이었다.
limp - 축 처진, 힘이 없는/절뚝거리다.
ex)Tulips in your garden are looking a little limp this year. 
insinuate - 암시하다.
ex)She seemed to be insinuating that our work was below standard.
illegitimate - 사생아인(old fashioned), 불법인
ex)I'm not illegitimate. My parents were married!
make sb's day - to make sb very happy
ex)If you say "I love you." to her, that will definitely make her day



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