
10 words & 1 phrase a day 140427

WilliamShin 2014. 4. 27. 08:52


depth - 깊이

ex)The maximum depth of the swimming pool is 2.5 metres.


complex - 복잡한

ex)The maths professor set a complex promblem that very few students understood.


flock - 떼

ex)A flock of seabirds flew over our boat.


injection - 주사

ex)I hate having injections when I go to the doctor. I am scared of needles.


local anaesthetic - 부분마취

ex)The dentist gave me a local anaesthetic.


general anaesthetic - 전신마취

ex)Did you have a general anaesthetic for your operation?


accordance -  일치

ex)The deal was done in strict accordance with the rules of trading.


contemporary - 동시대의

ex)I read a contemporary account of war written by a man who lived and wrote at that time.


means - 수단

ex)Have you got any means of identification with you?


compass - 나침반

ex)You need a compass and a map to be able to navigate effectively.







get down to the business - 착수하다.

ex)Time's running out. Let's get down to the business.


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