
10 words & 1 phrase a day 140419

WilliamShin 2014. 4. 19. 15:44


evaporate - 증발하다.

ex)The heat of the sun caused the water in the reservoir to evaporate.

     태양의 열기로 인해 저수지의 물이 증발했다.


consistent - 일정한

ex)The weather was consistent. Everyday was the same.


clumsy - 서툰

ex)I was a clumsy girl, always dropping things and bumping into things.


grieve - 애도하다.

ex)I grieved for a long time after my father passed away.


outcome - 결과

ex)What do you think the likely outcome of experiment will be?


pour - 붓다. 따르다.

ex)Can you pour me another drink?


maintain - 유지하다. 지키다.

ex)We must make sure we maintain our usual standard of service.


eager - 열정적인

ex)He was so eager to start his new job.


intensive - 강도 높은

ex)He needed to learn English quickly so he enrolled in an intensive 4 week course.


gown - 가운

ex)All the students at the graduation ceremony wore a long gown and a special hat.





Knock it off! - Stop it!  그만 둬!



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