영단어 25

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140331

adore - 아주 좋아하다. 사랑하다. 존경하다. ex) Kim adores her older sister. as long as - ~하는 한 (provied that, on condition that) ex)We are safe as long as we avoid touching the rails. degree - 정도 ex)I sympathise with her to some degree. unrequited - 일방적인 ex)unrequited love 짝사랑 victim - 희생자 ex)We are the victims of the one-sided affair(unrequited love). inexplicable - 설명할 수 없는 ex)His sudden death is quite inex..

1011/2014 2014.03.31

10 words & 1 phrase a day 140331

abandon - 버리다. 포기(단념)하다. ex)The bank robbers abandoned their car and ran away. abate - 줄어들다. 줄이다. ex)The pain abated. It would seem that his zeal has not abated. bullet-proof - 방탄의 ex)This glass is bullet-proof. ricochet - (총알, 돌 따위가) 튕겨 날아가다. ex)The bullet ricocheted off the wall and grazed my shoulder. aim - 목표, 조준/겨누다. ~할 작정이다. ex)She picked up the gun, took aim, and fired. He aims to go tomo..

1011/2014 2014.03.31