
10 words & 1 phrase a day 140418

WilliamShin 2014. 4. 18. 22:48


personality - 성격

ex)Can you describe your personality?


organised - 조직적인, 정리된

ex)I wish I were as organized as you!


open - 솔직한

ex)Elena doesn't mind talking about her feelings – she's a very open person.


extrovert - 외향적인 사람

ex)Why are extroverts praised while introverts are viewed in a negative light?


introvert - 내향적인 사람

ex)Why are extroverts praised while introverts are viewed in a negative light?


sensitve - 예민한, 민감한

ex)He's very sensitive to criticism.


talkative - 수다스러운

ex)She's very talkative. I've never seen her silent.


reticent - 과묵한, 말을 삼가는

ex)He is extremely reticent about his personal life.


optimistic - 낙관적인

ex)I've applied for the job but I'm not very optimistic that I'll get it.


pessimistic - 비관적인

ex)Being optimistic about the future enables people to take greater risks than their pessimistic counterparts.            from Teentimes






to bend over backwards - to do one's best   최선을 다하다.

ex)William bent over backwards to make sure that everything was perfect for the meeting.


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