teen depression - 청소년 우울증
ex) What are the possible causes for teen depression?
unlovable - 사랑받을 자격이 없는
ex) I often feel that I am unlovable, worthless, and a burden to others.
diagnosis - 진단
ex) The diagnosis of depression among the young appears to be increasing at an alarming rate.
symptom - 증상
ex) The symptoms of depression can appear during adolescence and may include changes in sleep patterns, appetite, and weight.
mental-health - 정신 건강
ex) When mental-health professionals suspect depression, they usually look for groups of symptoms that persist for weeks.
cardiovascular - 심혈관의
ex) Other physical risk factors include cardiovascular disease and changing hormone levels.
stress - 스트레스
ex) While a little stress can be healthy, chronic or excessive stress can be physically and psychologically harmful.
unrealistically - 비현실적으로
ex) A related factor may be unrealistically high parental expectations, perhaps in regard to scholastic achievement.
seperation - 별거
ex) Stress-related factors linked to depression may include parental divorce or seperation.
lifestyle - 생활 방식
ex) Lifestyle changes may also be advisable bacause our mind and body are closely connected.
play a role - 역할을 하다.
ex) Depression often runs in families, suggesting that genetics can play a role.
Today's words and examples were quoted from the Awake magazine. If you'd like to read a whole article, please visit the website :
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